
The Alexander Technique


Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique. A comprehensive source for links to Alexander Technique resources worldwide.


Alexander Technique Institute–Los Angeles

The Alexander Training Institute of Los Angeles (ATI-LA) offers the finest standard of teacher training in a stimulating and supportive environment.


American Society for the Alexander Technique

Professional society of Alexander teachers in the U.S. AmSAT provides complete listings of Alexander teachers and teacher training courses throughout the country as well as a bibliography of books about the Alexander Technique.



Journal of The Alexander Technique. The leading global journal of the Alexander Technique. Published in Australia since 1985, every issue contains articles by teachers expert in their AT-related field. Direction is distributed in paper in 40 countries and over the Internet everywhere.


MornumTime Press

A small press specializing in the Alexander Technique. This is an important resource for books although the blog and contacts in the website have not been updated for over a decade.


Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique

British professional society of Alexander teachers. This is an excellent resource for those interested in the Alexander Technique as practitioner or those interested in the benefits of the technique.


STAT Archives

Archives of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, containing over 2,000 books, periodicals, and audio and video files. This valuable resource can provide much greater detail on the practice through various forms of media.




  • Alexander, F. Matthias, The Use of the Self, Methuen & Co, 1932 (reissued in paperback by Orion Books Ltd., 2001).
  • Barlow, Wilfred, The Alexander Principle, Healing Arts Press, 1991.
  • Binkley, Goddard, The Expanding Self: How the Alexander Technique Changed My Life, French Connection Press, 1993.
  • Caplan, Deborah, Back Trouble: A New Approach to Prevention and Recovery, Triad Publishing Co., 1987.
  • Carrington, Walter, Thinking Aloud, Mornum Time Press, 1st ed., 6th printing, 1994.
  • Dart, Raymond, Skill and Poise: Articles of Skill, Poise and the F. M. Alexander Technique, Stat Books, 1996.
  • Gelb, Michael, Body Learning: An Introduction to the Alexander Technique, Henry Holt & Co., 1987.
  • Leibowitz, Judith and Bill Connington, The Alexander Technique, Souvenir Press Ltd., 1991.
  • Machaover, Ilana and Angela and Jonathan Drake, The Alexander Technique Birth Book, Sterling Publishing Co., 1993.
  • Maisel, Edward (ed.), The Alexander Technique: Essential Writings of F. Matthias Alexander, Carol Publishing Grp., 1995.
  • Robb, Fiona, Not to “Do”, Camon Press, 1999.

Magazine Articles


Personal Health

Jane Brody, New York Times

An essay by the Times’ celebrated health columnist describes the Alexander Technique, including testimonials to its effectiveness.

New Way To Perfect Your Posture

Prevention Magazine

Writer Jenny Poust briefly describes the Alexander Technique and her first lesson.

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